Monday, January 4, 2010

3 - 1 - 1 +1 = 2

It looks as though that even with the excitement we've had the last two weeks since tossing out middle daughter out of the house, we may have a taker for the empty bedroom.  It seems our eldest wants to move back to Calgary, back into our house, and go to school down the road from us.

I have mixed emotions about this.  Firstly, I was really warming up to the idea of only having one child living at home.  That would mean the grocery bill would go down, the water bill, and the stress.  We were down to our last 5 years until we became empty nesters.  On the other hand, she does seem really excited to come home, and her little sister missed her the last 2-1/2 years, and the program at the university here would be a much better fit for her, given her learning disability and anxiety issues.

We would need to set some ground rules, of course, considering she's an adult now, and the idea of consequences as a teen is a bit old for her now.  We will have to lay out clear expectations.  But will she follow them?  Will she be respectful of our home, our time, our concerns?

There are alot of trust issues that run deep with her and my husband and I.  She would have to agree to stick to counselling, school and find a job.  There would be a zero tolerance for lies.  Will she be able to deal with that?

I guess time will tell...

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